XL sets a new benchmark in the
city-builder game category by fusing for
the first time, the city builder genre with an MMO. Offline, it offers
all the benefits of the leading city builders, through the creation and
development of a photorealistic city in which managing your resources
and population categories, will be essential to success. Online, it
proposes an entirely new layer to the experience in allowing the
players to trade resources with others, participate to the
construction of Mega structures or visit the entire planet via your avatar.
•25 maps featuring varying landscapes - from canyons to grassy hills and snowy mountains
•Around 500 buildings based on various architectural styles (European
•A set of never-before-seen real-time construction tools allowing players to create curved roads, building zones of various shapes, elaborate bridges
citizen structure: Four levels of wealth, four main different needs
(Services, Environmental, Prices and
Traffic) split into many sub
categories (Police and Fire
Education, Leisure, Commerce multiple types of Pollution, Taxes, Cost of Life, Distance to work and more)
•A rich enterprise selection ranging from agriculture to heavy industry services, tourism
•A complex, but easy to access, simulation based on 15 resources (electricity, waste management, agriculture, water, fuel, etc.)
ambitious traffic system including many type of roads (
five different
widths, costs, quality and capacity), highways, airports, ports, and
much more. Complex bus system will be provided free post release
•An avatar studio and Web-based profile pages
Limited Edition contents:
•6 In-Game Buildings/Monuments - Lost Angeles City Hall, Berlin Victory
•Column, Liev Saint-Vladimir cathedral, San Francisco Grand Hotel Paris
•Opra Garnier and the New York 40th Wall Street Building
•5 Additional Maps for Solo Mode
•2 Permanent Megastructures -
Big Ben & Houses of Parliament and Maya
•Pyramid of Chichn Itz
•Special Add-Ons - T-shirt for your avatar and a "web distinction"
•Large format Cities XL poster
•3 original Cities XL postcards